I just want to start off with addressing the comment problem. I have tried a few things in my settings in hope that it will help those that have had trouble leaving a comment. If it doesn't work? Well
back to the drawing board. By the way giving the computer dirty and confused looks has NOT helped.
Onward ! Monday and Tuesday we've had beautiful weather. I spent so much time outside I think it was fresh air overload for my system. By Tuesday night I needed to get back inside. So yesterday turned out to be grocery day. So I look forward to doing a little baking and/or cooking. If things go well today maybe tomorrow you could see pictures of Asian night.
For now I have just been catching up on my reading. Shanghai Girls was wonderful. I couldn't put it down and read it in 3 days. This will be a keeper in my library. It reminded me a lot of Amy Tan's novels because there is very intense plot that takes place in China and a lot of history. The author was kind enough to respond to my email and said that yes there will be squel. Phew! If there wasn't going to be one it would be a major let down.
Other fun reads:
Great post! I too had "fresh air" overload. It is great to be indoors getting things done:) Can't wait to see "Asian" night photos!
Yeah! Your comments are working! Your blog is great! I look forward to reading and seeing what you are up too. Even if we have just had a 2 hour conversation on the phone:)
Hey, Luisa, thought I'd test out your comments again today. :-) Lise
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