Friday, January 28, 2011
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Yarn Along

Joining in on Ginny's yarn along.
Well I finally made not one but 2 dishclothes and I'm on my way knitting a third one. I don't what to call these things. I just wanted something to wipe down the table and counters and it gave me a chance to try the Tunisian crochet. I apologize the picture isn't so great. I did enjoy making these even though they came out a little crooked I really like that they feel more like a waffle texture. I hope that one day I can do another tutorial on the Tunisian stitch.
What's new for reading material is The Red Garden that just came out yesterday. So excited Alice Hoffman is one of my favorite authors. Her books are also translated in Italian. Hope someday to get some Italian copies to add to my library. For now I'll enjoy her latest.
I'd love to hear what you're making.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
New Blog
So here I go come on over and join me over at 5 Good Reasons.
Monday, January 24, 2011
A Very Cold Monday

Friday, January 21, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Yarn along Wednesday

Tuesday, January 18, 2011
In the sewing studio & Monday Lists
I'm breathing a sigh of relief because it's finally cleaned. Everything has been thoroughly sorted, organized and refolded. Phew!
Part of the sorting was going through my hope chest and seeing what fabrics and unfinished projects were in there. A lot has accumulated without any direction so I decided to leave a list in the basket along with a few items that I have specific projects in mind. It's a place that I can go to throughout the year when I want work on something.
While refolding clothes I found about 5 shrunken sweaters and since it is cold I thought how about turning those sleeves into legwarmers. The same worked for tights that the little one out grew.
Legwarmerss for everyone of all ages.
Now just a quick Monday list of links.
- Don't you just love this kitchen table?
- My favorite post even grown ups like to daydream.
- I want to try these doilies too.
- Love her felted hat .
- I like the design of these doilies I was thinking I should trying different textures and make a few for scrubbing pots.
Friday, January 14, 2011
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Lo Mein as promised

Lo Mein
beef or chicken cut into pieces
Fill a large saucepan with water and bring to a boil then add spaghetti, carrots, snow peas and corn. Cook till pasta is al dente. Remove from heat, drain and set aside.
In a small bowl mix water, sugar and cornstarch. Then add soy sauce, broth garlic and ginger.
In a non stick skillet or wok heat 1 tablespoon of oil then add beef or chicken. Cook till beef is no longer pink or chicken is white about 2-3 minutes. Add in broth mixture, pasta and vegetables. Cook for 2 minutes.
The first picture in this post is of the second batch of lo mein and I think I forgot the soy sauce. This is a picture of the other batch and how it would look with the sauce.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Yarn Along

Can't wait to see what you're reading and making.
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Cinnamon Playdough

Random Tuesday
Today's post is a day late and a bit scattered. So here's what has been going on...

Cleaning up the consequences of Christmas in the sewing studio.

Another doily ornament I don't know why I started it I just couldn't stop. I either need help for my doily addiction or more doily patterns. Definitely more doily patterns.
And lastly the Monday list of links that inspired me in the past week.
- Found out I can make my own I starch .
- I really like these cute dolls from this blog the tutorial is here. Hmm....Easter or Christmas gifts.
- I'm think of adding these wooden keychains as Christmas gift next year but I definitely want one for myself.
- This cool chalkboard globe.
- I love this crochetted hat so much I would love to work on it soon.
Well that's it for now. I'll be back later with the cinnamon playdough recipe.
Friday, January 7, 2011
Thursday, January 6, 2011
All that bread

Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Yarn Along

Activity Bags for the New Year

After a lot of sloppy and crooked sewing the end result...

- Be healthy
- Excersice
- More journal writing (haven't done enough of that)
- Learn to knit sweaters (hope I have better luck with knitting than I did with sewing.)
- Oh yes the kids definitely do stuff with them reading, drawing and walking.
- Lastly get better at sewing maybe even follow a pattern. Maybe lol :)