Today's post is a day late and a bit scattered. So here's what has been going on...

Cleaning up the consequences of Christmas in the sewing studio.

Another doily ornament I don't know why I started it I just couldn't stop. I either need help for my doily addiction or more doily patterns. Definitely more doily patterns.
And lastly the Monday list of links that inspired me in the past week.
- Found out I can make my own I starch .
- I really like these cute dolls from this blog the tutorial is here. Hmm....Easter or Christmas gifts.
- I'm think of adding these wooden keychains as Christmas gift next year but I definitely want one for myself.
- This cool chalkboard globe.
- I love this crochetted hat so much I would love to work on it soon.
Well that's it for now. I'll be back later with the cinnamon playdough recipe.
Love the Christmas consequences photo! You should see my post-Christmas disaster! It may take until next Christmas to clean it up!
I will be interested to read your homeschool blog (we homeschool too).
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