Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In the sewing studio & Monday Lists

This is a a very late night Monday post but it's the coldest and quietest time of the day for me. It's too cold to head into my basement and work on some other projects so why not snuggle up with my computer, crochetting and a book. Since last week I'm proud to show you the progress in the sewing studio.

I'm breathing a sigh of relief because it's finally cleaned. Everything has been thoroughly sorted, organized and refolded. Phew!
Part of the sorting was going through my hope chest and seeing what fabrics and unfinished projects were in there. A lot has accumulated without any direction so I decided to leave a list in the basket along with a few items that I have specific projects in mind. It's a place that I can go to throughout the year when I want work on something.
While refolding clothes I found about 5 shrunken sweaters and since it is cold I thought how about turning those sleeves into legwarmers. The same worked for tights that the little one out grew.
Legwarmerss for everyone of all ages.

Now just a quick Monday list of links.

  • Don't you just love this kitchen table?
  • My favorite post even grown ups like to daydream.
  • I want to try these doilies too.
  • Love her felted hat .
  • I like the design of these doilies I was thinking I should trying different textures and make a few for scrubbing pots.


Ana said...

Productive! Doesn't it feel great to clean up your crafty stuff? I'm in the middle of doing the same thing, but boy it is taking me so long.

Jarka said...

those legwarmers are great idea! I've got one sweater which was accidentally ahem...washed on higher temperature that it should have been...and it could still fit some kid - maybe 5 or 6 years old but definitely not ME :D ...and hmmm I might turn it into some legwarmers...
thanks for inspiration :)

Julie said...

What an awesome idea! I'm definately going to make some.

Holly C. said...

You did a great job cleaning up your studio! I need clean up my crafting areas too-I know it will make me feel better. :)

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