One of my newest craft addictions has been to make my own doilies. I really like them and just want a bunch on hand to stictch on to scarves, bags or something. I'm thinking about them in white to make small ones for the Christmas tree.
The thing is I think it's crazy for me to buy them. I just can't bring myself to do it. Doilies remind me of one of my grandmother who came to visit from Italy when I was a child. She stayed with us for sometime and what I remember most is that she was always mending and always crochetting doilies. My brother and I stayed near by but were not interested in the process until it was done and we saw she made for us. I thought it was something that old people did to pass the time like knitting. :) I thought to myself when I get old I'll learn to do that. I'll move the silver stick with the the thin yarn and make something. Well the day has come and I don't think 34 is old . In fact I think I'm still young enough to learn to do this and learn how to knit. I sure wish my grandmother was alive to show me the ropes. I am even hoping for one of my aunts to come help me, but I doubt she is will to take a trip across the Atlantic to show me how to crochet and sew my own clothes. So I'll settle for what she sent me instead.
The one on the right is what my aunt sent me and the one on the left is what I worked on Thursday night during Grey"s Anatomy. Now I tried to copy it but it just is not looking the same. Although I am enjoying crochetting in circles.
1 comment:
Luisa, when we finally meet, you're going to have to teach me how to do this! My grandmother and her sisters made all these beautiful star ornaments for our Christmas trees, and I love them so. I'd really love to be able to make some myself. Yours doesn't look like your aunt's, but it's cool all the same!
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