Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Lists, lists and more lists
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Book Fun
A Good Indian Wife by Anne Cherian looked interesting. The reviews are mixed.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Foodie Family
I have woken up on more than one occasion on weekends to find breakfast all ready made by my kids for mom and dad.
This second salad was really tasty. It was made with carrots, fennel, tomatoes, celery and croutons tossed together with ranch dressing. I put some in wrap. Very yummy!
Monday, October 19, 2009
Warm soup
1 boullion cube or packet
2 carrots
handful Yu choy (or any green leaf vegetable like spinach or bak choy)
handful of bean sprouts (optional)
cabbage (use less than half of the cabbage and chop into thin slices like coleslaw)
1 garlic clove
cooked diced chicken
For flavoring soy sauce and 1 chopped scallion.
In a large pot bring 5 quarts of water to a boil. Add boullion, carrots, green leaf vegetable, sprouts, cabbage and garlic. Cook about 5-8 to minutes until vegetables are tender. When ready scoop broth and vegetables into a bowl with chicken. For flavoring add a dash of soy sauce and chopped scallion. In place of the soy sauce we sometimes use only one of the following sauces for taste: curry, black bean, sa cha or maybe a dash of chili oil.
Serving suggestions: Any of the following go well with this soup rice, vermicilli rice noodle or egg noodle
Variations: We sometimes buy thin sliced chicken, beef or pork from the Asian market and cook it with the soup. To make it vegetarian add cut up tofu.
A little warmth on a cold day or to help get rid of a cold.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
The Crisps
The bigger pan is apple only. The smaller one is a berry crisp. I thought I'd try something new 2 apples, 2 peaches, some strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. Top with the crispy topping I use for apple crisp, bake for 30 minutes. Enjoy!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
Goodbye Pie
Strawberries cut in half (I'm not sure how much since it was summer I just kept filling the pie)
3/4 cup sugar
2 Tbsp. flour
1/8 tsp salt
2 Tbsp. butter or margarine (we use a dairy free margarine)
Pie crust (which ever you prefer store bought or your own recipe)
In a bowl gently toss together all 6 ingredients. Pour into the pie plate lined with pie dough. Then place another pie dough on top to cover the filling. Fold the edges and make four slits to let the heat out. I use a pan under the pie plate when I'm baking in case the juices spill over. Bake at 400 degrees for 30 minutes, then lower temperature to 350 degrees and bake another 30 minutes.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Inside Fun
Friday, October 9, 2009
The Journal Journey
- Life Journal a place for me to jot down whatever is going on in my life or I find interesting.
- The Kids Journal I like this instead of a calendar or memory book. The memory books are about milestones but I needed a place for what goes on in his/her day to day life. A place for the funny stuff, activties, traditons, milestones, quotes all in one place. Because their lives aren't separte I don't keep a separate journal for each child it's easier to keep one journal and just write as I go about each one. (Some day I hope to photocopy and bind the kids journal so each one has a copy.)
- Craft Journal All my sewing, crafting, knitting,.... ideas that I find or think up. These are creations I would like to do now but I'll be happy if I get them done in the next 1-10 years :)
- Book Review I think you may have noticed I like to read, so in addition to that I started a journal to keep track of what I've read and thoughts about it.
- Homeschooling Journal I just wanted a place to jot down ideas for my kids that weren't arts and crafts. It's a place to jot down learning projects that inspire and motivate the family to write, learn and grow.
- Blog Log I wanted another journal to jot down what I'd like to share with you.
What I love about blank journals they can be for whatever you want them to be. A couple of these journal are worn because they were reincarnated. They were already used for 3 or more other themes or logs. This is ther final destination.
The real purpose for these journals is a place for me to sort out ideas and take a look into my own life to see what it is I do besides cook, clean, laundry and change diapers. As I got halfway through starting my journal collection I thought maybe one day my children would like these journals as a window into my life.
P.S. I apologize if today's blog was too lengthy of a read but I hope it inspires you.
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Birthday fun
I made a rectangle cake and cut part of it. After I frosted it I decorated it with twizzlers, skittles and starburst candy flowers. I know loaded with sugar. The flowers are a neat thing I learned to make from a magazine. Take 4 or more starburst candies put them on a plate and microwate 5-8 seconds. It should be soft enough to roll out on a cutting board, then use a flower cookie cutter for the shape and a skittle or m&m for the center. The flowers are fun for a purse or spring cake. I should tell this was my second cake of the day. The first one fell apart.
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Cleaning the family space
- Keep away from the plastics as much as possible. (There are a few exceptions.)
- In/Out rule. New thing comes in so what's going out to the thrift store. (Makes me think twice or more about what does our family need and want.)
- Where exactly is it going to go on the shelf?
- Marketing review: What do we really want to expose our children to that the media says we need or will make our life better?
- Minimizing the typical commercial stuff. Who said again girls play with this and boys play with that? Keep some basic things that work for all and promote creativity.
Now how did I come to this conclusion and new philosophy? Lots of mistakes and a lot of eye opening cleaning up with my girlfriend :)
Hey was that flash "The Hacker"?!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Meals to go
This soup is made with tortellini, diced tomatoes, garlic sauteed in oil, chicken broth (or half packet of chicken bouillion). One has a handful of spinach, the other does not. Lovely color and eye appealing. Yet both have no flavor. The second one has a little more but the first forget it's there just for looks. I have made this many times before and there has always been plenty of flavor. Not this time. I blame the tortellini.