There still seems to be quite a bit of laundry around here but at least it gets cleaned daily. During the move we made the switch from store bought gooey detergent to homemade laundry soap. I still can't believe 1-2 tablespoons cleans some very big loads of laundry. I have seen this recipe around the blogs and a friend suggested adding some oxi clean. So here's our version.
Homemade Laundry Soap
1 cup finely grated Fel Naptha Soap
1/2 cup borax
1/2 cup washing soda
1/4 to 1/2 cup oxi clean (optional)
Mix and keep in an air tight jar. Use 1 tablespoons for regular loads and 2 tablespoons for big loads.
If you want to forgo the gooey part of homemade laundry detergent, you can use liquid castile soap. My recipe is here:
Are you enjoying it? How does it make your laundry smell? That tends to be my issue with homemade...
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