One of my 2010 goals for my family was to slowly filter out disposable items and replace them with reusable items. To be honest it's a long and slow process and lots of habit changing but even if it's only a few small changes I hope make a difference and that it spreads. So far...

Minimizing the use of paper napkins for cloth napkins. Store bought on sale, thrift stores or homemade it's just a nice touch when the table is set. So far it hasn't been a problem even with food allergies. We take one out at lunch and then drape it over the chair to be used again at dinner. Everyone just sits in the same chair. Now does this add to my laundry? Yes. It's a toss up a little more laundry or buying and throwing away disposable napkins.

Stainless steel straws in 3 different sizes. My favorite is when we have visitors and they notice these things and ask "Those metal straws?" Yes another opportunity to explain these and spread the word.

This is my most recent find. A ceramic travel mug with a silicon sleeve and cover. (There are similiar ones on
amazon.) When the weather gets cold I love to bring my own hot beverage. Sometimes I buy a coffee and wish I had my own beverage container so I could bring it home and wash it. I know nuts but those stainless steel beverage holders for coffee with the plastic top was well not the same as drinking from my mug at home. I think this solved the issue. I'm also thinking good Christmas gift idea.
Hoping to make small difference even if nothing else gets replaced for this year.
i really like the cloth napkins, i need to do the same thing. how many did you have to buy?
I got eight napkins from each set because that's all the store had but I would prefer to get 12 next time.
what great ways to be eco-friendly! we love using cloth napkins, too. i'm really intrigued by the metal straws. they look so cool.
Love the ceramic travel mug idea - I will have to look out for those.
We use cloth napkins here too:)
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