I found a cord to hook up to my computer and now some pictures to show of these past couple of weeks.
Went to a seedling sale and I'm going to be daring this year and try growing yellow watermelons.
Went home to the garden to put down the plants for later. I know have 20 plus tomato plants waiting for me at the end of the week and leeks, broccoli, watermelon and possible kale.
Great yard sale finds an Ikea frame a book on making wraps and a book on gardening with recipe all for $5!!Yes score.
My favorite 3 words when I'm home.
Yay for sun tea. This 52 fl oz pitcher is from Ikea.
Trying to make my own yogurt popcicles. The popcicle molds are also from Ikea.
Cleaned one shelf in my kitchen for all my cookbooks.
Curbside find it's bench/table. Perfect for summer a little cleaning, replace a piece of wood and some paint and it will be as good as new. Haven't started it but I am seeing the potential.
Oh orange juice pops they seemed to be hit.
Well that's the catch up for now friends so glad I found my cord and hope I don't lose it.